The real estate company our kind-hearted mortgage company (none other than the latest bailout recipient GMAC) has hired in an attempt to sell our house has wasted little time getting things ready to market it. The agent came over on the morning of December 31st with my dad to just walk through and take notes and then was here again yesterday afternoon to take pictures of the outside, get measurements of every room but the bathroom and basement (we took those for him while he took the pictures), plus he also placed the "for sale" sign in the front yard. Lovely. I was told by my mom that he's a really nice guy and that he likes our hardwood floors (which desperately need finished again!). He's also willing to work with us in terms of visits so that we are here when (IF) he brings someone who wants to see the house. I haven't been able to find the listing online yet.

I'm sure the guy is a great guy and in a way I feel bad for him since he has to deal with this kind of thing (trying to sell a potential foreclosure). However, the bottom line is that his ultimate goal (selling the house) and our ultimate goal (staying in the house) clash unless we somehow bought this house, so like you would root for a favorite player on an opposing team to do well except when he's playing your team, that's how I see this agent. I wish him the best, but not on this sale. If he accomplishes what he's after, we're out of a home pretty quick. Basically, we're not on the same team! I felt like I was working against myself by cooperating with getting the measurements. About the only thing that got me through it was realizing that this agent is simply that: an agent. He isn't the source of our problems, though he does kind of represent them at the moment. Mom told us he has advised us to answer questions to any perspective buyers, but not to "volunteer information." Gee, I wonder why not. I was also somewhat irked to find that we're considered "tenants" in this house. TENANTS! We've lived here for 26 years as of this month and we're just mere tenants. It's insulting and humiliating at the same time, like we've been renting all this time. The only thing more frustrating is not having the power to be able to do anything about it until at least May, and even then it would be unlikely to do much until the late Summer or early Fall. The good news for us is that a house down the street (which is bigger and in MUCH better shape than ours) has been on the market now for almost a year, so the chances of this one selling are actually fairly low. There's another house in the neighborhood that I'm pretty sure was foreclosed on before the summer and has been unoccupied since
at least last Spring (the wild overgrown lawn for most of the summer gave it away) that is also on the market. This house will be on the market for 90 days, so basically through the end of March/beginning of April. I'm so glad I won't have anything important to worry about in the meantime. Oh wait...
Notes on pictures: 1. The "for sale" sign in the front yard...ugh; 2. The sign at the end of our street directing any interested buyers to our house (not that it's hard to miss...there are all of 5 houses on our short street).
I say volunteer away; it's in your best interest to let every potential buyer know exactly what they'd be getting with buying the house. You should be professional and kind to the agent, but when it comes down to him doing his job and you having a place to live, you are not required at all to do him any favors. Make sure you keep the house locked all the time so he can't just show up. You may also want to take pictures of all the things wrong with the house that a person might not see with a quick look through, and give them a sheet of paper detailing those things, like the chimney, furnace, etc.
John, Mindy and I just wanted to tell you a big thank you for all the love you give to our kids in primary. Thank you for your patience and kindness you give so abundantly to them. Sorry to hear about the difficulties you and your family are experiencing with your house. I couldn't imagine having this kind of experience with the home I grew up in and have lived in for 26 years. Sorry to hear you are having this sad experience. Hope all is well. Anyways, thanks for posting on our blog. I was glad to hear about all of the opportunities you have had to sing at events where you could share your talents of singing with others and to have that part of you acknowledged. Be well John - Logan
We are praying for you and your family.
Yeah, here's the listing: CRAPPY HOUSE FOR SALE! Need a cardboard box to start your new year off right? Have we got the perfect fit for you! This LOVELY three bedroom, one bath, double wide trailer is crumbling around you! There is extensive mold in the basement, and don't you worry about those pesky mice, there are only a few per day! You'll love the avacado stove and the doorless cupboards in the kitchen, and you'll barely notice the floor that is taped around the edges. The best part about this house is that you can have the satisfaction of taking a family out of their home against their will! You can take over the house and send them to streets for only a few pennies! Call us to go invade their privacy and look through it!
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