I have been dutifully reading my textbook as I am now in week two of the Summer III term. While I continue to enjoy my classes and the things I am learning about education and myself, a passage a read in the textbook the other day really caught my attention and touched on something I have been wanting to blog about for some time. The passage was the opening paragraph of a scenario on page 22 of the book Dynamics of Effective Secondary Teaching. It reads as follows: "It was a diverse group, with a mix of white students (mainly males), a number of African Americans, several Latinos, and two Native Americans." I was immediately struck by the fact that of the four racial groups described here, three are proper nouns that reflect that group's racial background in some way. The other lumps all light-skinned people into the general term "white"which is hardly a proper noun or says anything about the background of that group of people (like where they came from). Now, I'd bet that most people would look at this and ask me what the big deal was. But look at it again...what message is this sending to those "white" kids about the importance of their racial history, culture, and background? This is an example of a hidden curriculum; lessons taught by subtle hints and clues rather than direct communication.
It irritates me when people are so careful to use so-called "politically correct" terminology to define racial and ethnic minorities, then turn around and refer to the majority by the general color of their skin (and we all know that most "white" people aren't really white at all). How is that right or fair? Do "white" people not have history or culture? "White" people are a very diverse group, including Germans, English, French, Polish, Russian, Italian, just to name a few. Each have distinct cultural and genetic traits. If we're going to be so careful with everyone else, we need to be fair to everyone, not just minorities. If we want to use hyphenations to describe people, then be consistent; same with using general terms like "white" or "black". If it's not OK to use general color-related terms to decsribe a person or a group's racial makeup, then it should be that way across the board for all races. If it is OK, then it should be OK for all races.
Honestly, I am a big proponent of simply using "American" (or whatever nationality that person actually is) as much as possible, paricularly in light of the fact that many of the people we lump into "African American" or "Native American" or any of the other "-Americans" have many races present in their family history and thus in their appearance. Tiger Woods and Barack Obama are prime examples, even though many erroneously refer to them as "African Americans" despite that fact that Obama clearly has European-- excuse me-- WHITE ancestry as well as African and Tiger Woods' mother is of Asian (Korean I believe) descent and his father is of African descent and likely others as well. I have several different European ancestors including German, English, Scottish, and Slavic (among others), but I identify myself as an American, not a "German American" or "Scottish American". Why should one aspect of a person's heritage cancel out or take precedence over another? Is our obsession with "politically correct" racial and ethnic names the result of trying to be fair or of some kind of lame attempt to deal with guilt from actions our forebearers committed on minorities? If it was wrong to generalize them, why is it OK to generalize us now?
I also find it interesting that most of the people who are most anal about using the "politically correct" terminology are "white" themselves. The term "Native American", for instance, was not the idea of actual "Native Americans" but of whites who felt guilty over past atrocities committed by past Americans and early European settlers. This is known as "white guilt" where white people practically bend over backwards to prove they aren't racist by treating minorities better than their own race and then being heavily critical of their own race to the point of making people ashamed to be "white". While these "white guilt" people may view what they're doing as noble and just, in actuality it is no better than the discrimination that they are seeking to "correct" and it demonstrates a very condescending attitude like these minority groups need their help since they can't take care of themselves. Even the extremist group American Indian Movement is opposed to the use of the term "Native American" and instead uses "American Indian" (obviously!) and it seems most "Native Americans" still prefer the general term "American Indian" or even better to be called by their specific tribe (much like we rarely hear "European American" but instead hear the actual nationality like "German American"). To me "Native American" is a misnomer since anyone is a "native" if they are born here and since I was born in the U.S. that makes me a native American, but with European ancestry. Don't forget also that if migration theories are true, the "Native Americans" emigrated here as well...they just did it before the Europeans. Even "African American" is a misnomer to me since the vast majority of people we refer to as "African Americans" have little or no ties to Africa nor do they have exclusively African ancestry as I mentioned above. On top of that, anyone who moves to the United States from Africa would correctly be considered an "African American" but that doesn't mean they are black.
I honestly could go on forever on this. In the end, I'm not promoting abandonment of culture in favor of complete assimilation, but more of just being fair. Just because I'm part of the majority race in this country does not mean my heritage is any less important than any minority, nor does it mean I had anything to do with the bad things done to minorities by the majority in the past. The best way we can "atone" for the sins of past generations is to not repeat them. Reversing the sin doesn't solve the problem, it just continues it.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
This is Kirtland!

Notes on pictures: 1. Picture of the closing scene in this year's performance on July 17th; 2. Picture from song "He lives!" from the 2005 (my first year) show where I played several minor characters (as a member of the male chorus) including John Johnson; 3. Picture from the 2006 show where I played Professor Seixas and was also in the chorus; 4. Picture from the opening scene of the 2007 show where I played Newel K. Whitney; 5. Picture of the "Whitney family" at the end of the 2007 show run.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Refreshing Indeed!
Well, these last two weeks I've gotten some pleasant surprises. First, I got a call from my friend Elisa (Reyes) Burchett just seeing how I was doing and to tell me she is expecting! Elisa and I have been friends since 7th grade and still keep in touch pretty regularly even though we seem to go months in between contacts. Her and husband Todd don't live too far away either, so I've been able to visit them a few times already!
Next I got a phone call last Monday from my friend Lindsey (Smith) Fairbanks who was passing through the area with her new husband Dan (they make a great couple, by the way) on a large Eastern trip as they begin heading back to Utah. Lindsey moved here to Kent just before the start of our junior years in high school back in 1998 (we graduated in 2000) plus we went to church together. I hadn't really talked to her much since we went to a Utah Jazz-Cleveland Cavaliers game in Salt Lake City on Valentine's Day in 2007 other than a few text messages here and there and her wedding announcement, so it was quite an unexpected surprise to hear from her. We met for dinner on Tuesday at El Campasino in Stow (a Mexican place) and had a great time catching up, though I should've taken more time to actually talk to her husband and get to know him. I've noticed with a lot of my friends that get married, when I visit with them the spouse tends to get left out a bit since the things we talk about are things the spouse has little or no connection to. In this case, all the memories associated with Roosevelt and the Rootstown ward were things Dan, who grew up in Salt Lake City, had no connection to. We did discover that Lindsey's older sister Emily knows and graduated in the same class at Springville High School in Utah as current ward members (and my friends!) Nate and Susan (Olson) Jeppson, who moved from Salt Lake to Kent last year. Nate was called as bishop when I was called as executive secretary about a month ago (plus he's our home teacher) and Susan is the chorister in Primary (I am the pianist), so I have been able to work with both of them a lot and have come to really enjoy them (plus I love their kids!). What a cool family! When Lindsey and her family moved to Kent in 1998 they had come from Springville. Small world! Even more connection is that Lindsey has been living in the Sugar House area of Salt Lake (where her husband Dan is from) and the Jeppsons moved to Kent from Sugar House. Whooooooooa.
After meeting with Lindsey and Dan I was talking with my mom about how much I appreciated hearing from friends like that and being able to see them. I LOVE to visit with my extended family and old friends but almost always I am the one who does the traveling, some close, some not-so-close. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy traveling, but it is rare that I have had a friend visit me here in Kent and it is nice to host once and awhile. Well, I was talking and she said it was "refreshing" and I said "refreshing indeed!".
Just when I was about to write this post last night, I got an e-mail from one of my most consistent and best friends, Michelle, and then an unexpected phone call from Andrea Sampsel, whom I and many others simply know as "Dre". I hadn't talked to Dre in who knows how long. She's been out in Las Vegas getting her masters at UNLV and working, so it was really great to hear from her again. The only downside was that her phone died while we were talking. Dang batteries! It's always good to hear from Michelle. She is one of my few friends who consistently contacts me by phone or e-mail (we always have long e-mails and phone conversations), plus she visits whenever she can. Of course I visit her whenever I can and have been able to make two visits since she settled in the Toledo area. Both Michelle and Dre attended Kent State with me the first time I was at KSU in 2000-2001. We were all part of an amazing Institute of Religion program and Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA), which was headed by Lindsey Smith's dad Harold.
Let's not forget some new friends that I am making here as part of the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at Kent State. I finished the first five-week session (Summer I) yesterday, so summer classes are halfway over. I start the next session on Monday and have two professors who both taught at Roosevelt when I was there. Finally, the benefits of growing up in Kent! The cohort I am part of (same group of students for all our classes) is an amazing group. We're all so different, yet we all get along so well and enjoy being around each other. After our last class on Thursday, nine of us (there are 12 total) went to lunch at Rays Place in downtown Kent. We had so much fun just talking and celebrating the end of the term, plus I ended up getting a free lunch after my order wasn't placed right. Everyone had gotten their food and I hadn't, but thankfully Mari, one of my classmates, had a freakin boatload of fries that I helped eat. I'm laid back enough that it didn't really bother me (I was ready to pay), so getting it free was quite the bonus. The place was packed and loud and seemed a bit understaffed, so I wasn't upset at all that it had been missed. Things like that happen sometimes and I'd hope for the same patience and understanding if I were in his (the waiter's) shoes. In another small world case, I found out one of my classmates, Carolyne, knows some people (the Dutsons) I know from church things as they went to high school together near Alliance, Ohio. The Dutsons are in the Alliance Ward (congregation), which is a neighboring ward to my ward (Rootstown) and is part of the same stake (group of wards). Back to the MAT, it went pretty well and overall I was very happy with myself and my professors. Dr. Bruce especially made us all laugh a lot and is one of the best professors I have had in college. Too bad he's headed for a new position at the University at Buffalo (part of the State University of New York or SUNY)! Now, on to Summer III...
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Independence Day!

As part of this project I met up with a former teacher to get his insight on my topic. I met up with my former history teacher Bruce Dzeda on Wednesday in downtown Kent at the Wild Goats Cafe (never been there before...loved it!). I had Mr. Dzeda as a freshman for Western Civilization and again as a junior for Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History. There are many experiences and quotes that I will always remember from his classes and of course actual content as well. It was good to meet with him and catch up (we agree on a lot of issues, particularly local), but also to get his insights and opinions on the matter, particularly in convincing students why we need to cover certain subject matters in a curriculum (establishing relativity). I really liked how Mr. Dzeda said that they need to understand that the different subjects do work together to help us understand things better and that students need to know things like that "because that's what educated people know." That doesn't mean they will necessarily use that information all the time or even that often, but you never know when it's going to be needed.
I don't think I mentioned that I have started teaching piano lessons. Today was the third week I have been doing them with three students I know from church. I was hesitant to take them, not because of them, but because they are my first venture into this realm of teaching piano so I'm learning as much as them! Thankfully I have a wonderful sister-in-law who has mucho experience in that area and gave me some valuable pointers plus I have students with supportive and patient parents. I had been asked a few times if I did teach piano and I never felt ready or even qualified before. I'm no pianist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know the basics and I have a lot more training since I was first asked back in 2000 and 2001! My biggest worry is that I'm not too boring for my students and that they enjoy it overall even when it seems tedious. I know I'd be a better piano player if my first teacher had been nicer and more enjoyable to be around. Going to piano lessons with that old woman was something I dreaded every week because she did not inspire me in any way; she worked more through fear and intimidation than anything. Thankfully I had a really good piano teacher when I started again as a high school senior in the fall of 1999 who helped repair that damage and really get me on track as a better piano player! Now I just need to make sure I don't destroy my students' desire to play the piano either!
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