Things haven't really changed a whole lot at work or the play, but I seem to be content where I am. Even though I'm "out-ranked" on my crew at Geauga Lake, I still enjoy my crew (most times!!) and working with them. We have a lot of fun together and with our always-interesting guests. I still wish I had more "clout" or influence at the park, but for now I'm making do. Oh well.
The play opens now in less than two weeks. Thank goodness! Practices have been pretty long these past few days, so I haven't had much time to myself or at home. I leave home at 8:45 AM and have been getting home around 11:30 PM. Today was a shorter work day, but practice ended up being some 4 hours long (4-8), so I got home around 9. Once the play opens, my evenings won't be so long as the play begins at 7:30 each night and is over around 8:30. The other added bonus of the show being opened is that our director can't stop us while we're performing!! I've gotten some wonderful comments about the small part I do have as Professor Seixas. It is a fun part even though it's so small.
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