Current mood:
sadI think this ended up being one of the last pictures I ever took of Kipp, back in July. The thought never crossed my mind it might be the last one.
I know I already miss you and it's hard to believe you won't be there when I get home in December. Seeing you when I came home was always something I looked forward to. I mean, I always knew this day would come, but I still always hoped it never would. I just wish I could've been home when it happened. Now it's here and I have to deal with it 2,000 miles away, plus I'll have to deal with it again when I come home in December and get used to you not being there. I know I'll eventually see you again, but I don't know if I can wait that long. You were more than just a dog to me, you were a member of the family and a friend. You always seemed to know when we weren't feeling well and you always tried to help us feel better. It was always nice to come home and realize someone did miss us and was glad we were back. It will be awhile before things seem "normal" again at home.
Bye doggie.
Kipp...October 20, 1992- November 8, 2006
Nari; November 10, 2006
Jon, I so know how it feels to lose a beloved pet. We had to part with a beautiful yellow lab that kind of looks like Kipp. I'm so sorry about this. :(
Non pet-owners seem to think that a do is "just a dog" where in reality they become a member of the family.
Kipp is at the rainbow bridge now.
Here is your virtual hug (((Jon)))